National Competitiveness Research (NCR) offers an analysis of the competitiveness of more than 60 countries and regions across the world. Most of the existing studies on national competitiveness ranking are not based on rigorous academic theories and methodologies. Our research takes on a different approach by utilizing the solid theoretical foundation of Michael Porter’s Diamond Model and its extended studies.
The determinants for national competitiveness in our research include human and physical factors from both domestic and international perspectives. Therefore, NCR goes beyond the advanced economies’ point of view, which has been accepted as the norm and best practice in existing reports, and our approach uses a research methodology that is more applicable to all countries.

About Us
The Institute for Policy and Strategy on National Competitiveness (IPSNC) conducts global competitiveness research, particularly by integrating different perspectives from East and West, to help the government and business leaders around the world gain a better understanding of national and corporate competitiveness.

IPS National Competitiveness Conference 2023
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03767 7F, 203 Sinchon-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea
The Institute for Policy and Strategy on National Competitiveness (IPSNC)
+82, 70-7012-2714, Chairman of IPSNC Tae Hyun Kim, Ph.D.
Business Registration Number: 110-82-10723
Chief Privacy Officer: Huang Dilong